ASP, active server pages Linux OS:We can support .asp on our Linux servers with Chilisoft (a...
Are your servers PCI compliant?Are your servers PCI compliant? All of the cluster servers which make up TechHaus...
Are your servers Unix / Linux, or Microsoft Windows?Are your servers Unix / Linux, or Microsoft Windows? All Shared and Reseller servers run on...
Backup policy, Do you provide backups?Backup policy, Do you provide backups? You are responsible for your backups and web content.We...
Can I get extra bandwidth and space?Can I get extra bandwidth and space? Shared WebhostingYou will not need extra disk space and...
Can I host friends?Can I host friends? Yes, you can host sites for your friends on your Web Hosting account, as...
Can I see some of the websites you host?Can I see some of the websites you host? Some sites we host are: MedTrac, Inc ODHS...
Can I use Boonex Software (Ray, Dolphin & Orca) ?Can I use Boonex Software (Ray, Dolphin & Orca) ? This software will work on our shared...
Custom InstallationsCustom Installations Can I install the programs myself?As long as you can upload the install...
Do you offer RAID?Do you offer RAID? We have RAID10 on our shared and reseller servers.What is it? Raid is...
Do you offer Ruby on Rails and gems?Do you offer Ruby on Rails and gems? Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework....
Do you offer Telnet?Do you offer Telnet? Yes, telnet will work by default. Telnet Command = telnet
Do you offer support in other languages?Do you offer support in other languages? We offer support in English and German. However, if...
Do you support FastCGI ?Do you support FastCGI ? FastCGI is enabled on all of our servers at this time. To...
Do you support LAMP?Do you support LAMP? LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Yes, we do have all of these...
Does your hosting work with Macs?Does your hosting work with Macs? Yes, it does. Everything on your account works on our...
How can I have TechHaus Host open a new Port?How can I have TechHaus Host open a new Port? Can you give me access to a specific port number?...
How can I transfer my Blogger site to you?How can I transfer my Blogger site to you? Since Blogger isn't an actual hosting company,...
How do I renew my hosting?How do I renew my hosting? Your hosting plan will automatically renew every billing cycle...
How is PHP running as Apache or CGI?How is PHP running as Apache or CGI? Normally, we run PHP as CGI. Shared and Reseller...
How long does it take to setup my account?How long does it take to setup my account? For security purposes, all new purchases with...
How many accounts per server?How many accounts per server? We cannot offer an estimate. We have multiple accounts on the...
How many websites can I create?How many websites can I Create? The number of websites you can host on our accounts depends on...
How much traffic can I have on my site?How much traffic can I have on my site? Each site is different and the amount of traffic your...
How often do you update programs?How often do you update programs? We update each program as soon as our server administration...
How to transfer hosting with no down time.How to transfer hosting with no down time. Switching to a new host can be a very smooth...
IP address - static vs dynamic, public vs private, shared vs resellerIP address - static vs dynamic, public vs private, shared vs reseller An IP address is the...
Is WYSIWYG available?Is WYSIWYG available? What You See Is What You Get... WYSIWYG It's a type of HTML editor that...
Is there any contract for hosting?Is there any contract for hosting? There are no contracts to keep you at TechHaus Host. You may...
What PEAR packages do you offer?What PEAR packages do you offer?...
What PHP modules do you offer / installed?What PHP modules do you offer / installed? [PHP...
What Scheduled backups do you provide - Linux?What Scheduled backups do you provide - Linux? Shared and Reseller: You cannot schedule...
What are the Inode usage limits?What are the Inode usage limits? An inode is a data structure used to keep information about a...
What control panel do you use and do you have a demo?What control panel do you use and do you have a demo? The control panel we use for Linux Hosting...
What is Apache?What is Apache. Apache is the program on our servers used to view web pages. What are the...
What is the Legal and Acceptable Content allowed on my website?What is the Legal and Acceptable Content allowed on my website? Acceptable content for websites....
What is the US Treasury Embargo Restrictions and how do they apply to me?US Treasury Embargo Restrictions As of July 6th, 2009 these are the countries that we can't do...
What server locales, languages are supported by the server operating system?What server locales, languages are supported by the server operating system? TechHaus...
What socket connections are available?What socket connections are available? A socket is defined as one endpoint of a two-way...
Where can I find your web hosting discount prices?Where can I find your Web hosting discount prices? You may have noticed pricing options for the...
Will you place ads on my site?Will you place ads on my site? TechHaus Host will NOT place ads on your site. That is one...